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Tag Archives: modular home
Great Article on Factory Built Housing
Be sure to check out this excellent article on factory-built housing from the Akron Beacon Journal.
Are You a Factory-Built Housing Customer? You Should Be!
Every industry must decide who comprises its target market so that it can be clear about who it serves. Doing so saves a great deal of time and effort because consumers can concentrate on who serves them, and producers can … Continue reading
But I Won’t Do That…
Factory-built housing retailers and contractors want to do whatever it takes to satisfy your housing needs and to make sure that you have the best home-buying experience you can. But, did you know that there are some things they just … Continue reading
What is Factory-Built Housing?
If you have shopped around for a new home, you have no doubt seen various types of factory-built housing. But, just what are the different types, and what distinguishes them from each other? In a nutshell, factory-built single family housing … Continue reading